[구현/수학] 백준 15080 Every Second Counts - Python

[구현/수학] 백준 15080 Every Second Counts - Python

[ Contents ] 1. 문제 (링크 참조) 15080번: Every Second Counts Input consists of two lines: the first contains the start time and the second contains the end time for a single taxi ride. Each time is of the form hh : mm : ss, giving the hour, minute and seconds. Meredith uses a 24 hour clock, with 0 : 0 : 0 representi www.acmicpc.net 2. 문제 풀이 두 시각의 차이를 구하는 문제입니다. 2022.02.26 - [Algorithm] - [구현/수학] 백준 18..

원문링크 : [구현/수학] 백준 15080 Every Second Counts - Python