[구현/수학] 백준 10180 Ship Selection - 파이썬(Python)

[구현/수학] 백준 10180 Ship Selection - 파이썬(Python)

[ Contents ] 1. 문제 (링크 참조) 10180번: Ship Selection Input begins with a line with one integer T (1 ≤ T ≤ 50) denoting the number of test cases. Each test case begins with a line with two space-separated integers N and D, where N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) denotes the number of ships in the docking bay and D (1 www.acmicpc.net 2. 문제 풀이 (거리 D / 속력 V) * 연료 소비량 c

원문링크 : [구현/수학] 백준 10180 Ship Selection - 파이썬(Python)