[구현/수학] 백준 2975 Transations - 파이썬(Python)

[구현/수학] 백준 2975 Transations - 파이썬(Python)

[ Contents ] 1. 문제 (링크 참조) 2975번: Transactions Input consists of a number of lines, each representing a transaction. Each transaction consists of an integer representing the starting balance (between –200 and +10,000), the letter W or the letter D (Withdrawal or Deposit), followed by a second integer www.acmicpc.net 2. 문제 풀이 은행에서 거래 후 잔고를 구하는 문제입니다. 3. 코드 import sys input = sys.stdin.readline wh..

원문링크 : [구현/수학] 백준 2975 Transations - 파이썬(Python)