2010 Marinela Bob Esponja Tazos complete collection of 30/30

2010 Marinela Bob Esponja Tazos complete collection of 30/30

* Title : 2010 Marinela Bob Esponja Tazos complete collection of 30/30 * Number in series : 30/30 * Year of release : 2010 * Country : South America * Manufacturer : Marinela(Snack company) * Material : Plastic * Conditions : New(sealed) * Collecter's note - This Tazos collection is sealed with plastic bag, brand new condition, so you can see their printings and colors clearly. It was released in Latin America, the tazos are little bit small than other tazos, colors are beautiful. #tazos #tazo #...

#bobseponja #띠부씰 #멕시코따조 #미국따조 #벨기에따조 #스펀지밥따조 #스폰지밥따조 #영국따조 #월드따조 #유럽따조 #일본따조 #페루따조 #포켓몬 #포켓몬따조 #따조 #드래곤볼따조 #collector #extraordinary #oldtazos #rare #spongebob #superrare #tazo #tazos #tcg #タゾ #남미따조 #네덜란드따조 #독일따조 #프랑스따조

원문링크 : 2010 Marinela Bob Esponja Tazos complete collection of 30/30