1999 Meiji Dairies Corp. 1st Generation Pokemons coin(medal) complete collection of 151/151

1999 Meiji Dairies Corp. 1st Generation Pokemons coin(medal) complete collection of 151/151

* Title : 1999 Meiji Dairies Corp. 1st Generation Pokemons coin(medal) complete collection of 151/151 * Number in series : 151/151 * Year of release : 1999 * Country : Japan * Manufacturer : Meiji Dairies Corporation * Material : Metal * Conditions : Overall great condition * Collecter's note - This sets are actually not a tazos set, but set of "metal coin" or "medal". It is the first metal coin complete full set of my collections, and i'm happy to get "Golden Mew" which is super rare to get. It...

#1세대포켓몬 #스타워즈따조 #애니메이션 #어벤져스따조 #옛날따조 #옛날딱지 #외국따조 #유희왕따조 #이색수집품 #추억 #취미 #치토스따조 #코인 #포켓몬따조 #미르따조 #문방구따조 #90년대 #90년대따조 #tazos #고전따조 #드래곤볼따조 #디즈니따조 #디지몬따조 #따조 #딱지 #또따 #레트로 #마블따조 #메탈코인 #해외따조

원문링크 : 1999 Meiji Dairies Corp. 1st Generation Pokemons coin(medal) complete collection of 151/151