[1/18 데일리] 전통유전과 Q에 주목하라

[1/18 데일리] 전통유전과 Q에 주목하라

뉴욕 : 보합 싱가폴 : 보합 글로벌 전통유전 생산량 : 지난 20년간 정체. 셰일은 생산성 피크아웃. 순리에 따라 투자하시길.. 브라질 생산량 : 올해 평균 320kb/d 증산 IEA 석유시장리포트(2023.1.18) In its latest business plan Petrobras earmarked $64 billion over the next five years to bring those 18 FPSOs on line, with $13 billion expected in 2023 to start up five additional FPSOs (Itapu P-71 was commissioned earlier this month). These projects, in addition to the start of Mero 1 last year and Equinor’s Peregrino restart (after 26 months of downtime) are anticipated to...

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원문링크 : [1/18 데일리] 전통유전과 Q에 주목하라