[영어공부]Day53 - tell / jealous, envy / 관계대명사 that, what / will, be going to / forfeit / how come

[영어공부]Day53 - tell / jealous, envy / 관계대명사 that, what / will, be going to / forfeit / how come

-I will tell you : 너한테 말할거야~ -I will tell on you / I will tell what you did : 이를거야, 네 이야기 할거야~ -I will tell mom on you. -I wonder what that might be : 그게 뭘지 궁금하다~ jealous / envy jealous. a. 시기, 질투나는. I'm jealous of you. 부럽다~ envy. v. n. : 부러움, 부러워하다, 선망하다. envious(a) -> 무거운 느낌이어서 '부럽다' 라는 의미로는 일상 회화에서 잘 안씀. => jealous(*) I envy you your car. I envy you your happy marriage. I envy you your married life. I'm envious of your happy marriage. 휴가 : leave, vacation, holiday, take a day off, furlough le...

#2023 #영어공부 #tell #SuckItUp #RemindOf #PersonalDay #MonthlyPayment #jealous #HowCOme #HanigInThere #furlough #forfeit #EnvyYouYourCar #envy #AWOL #AsTheSayingGoes #abscenceWithoutLeave #휴가

원문링크 : [영어공부]Day53 - tell / jealous, envy / 관계대명사 that, what / will, be going to / forfeit / how come