The Good Earth (서울도서관 eBook) 펄벅의 대지 원서

The Good Earth (서울도서관  eBook) 펄벅의 대지 원서

The Good Earth Good Earth Trilogy, Book 1 저자 Pearl S. Buck The Pulitzer Prize–winning, New York Times–bestselling novel about a peasant farmer and his family in early twentieth-century China.The Good Earth is Buck's classic story of Wang Lung, a Chinese peasant farmer, and his wife, O-lan, a former slave. With luck and hard work, the couple's fortunes improve over the years: They are blessed with sons, and save steadily until one day they can afford to buy property in the House of Wang—the very house in which O-lan used to work. But success brings with it a new set of problems..........

원문링크 : The Good Earth (서울도서관 eBook) 펄벅의 대지 원서