올림포스 독해2 unit18 해석

올림포스 독해2 unit18 해석

올림포스 독해2 unit18 Unit 18 장문 수능ANALYSIS (1지문 2문항): [01~02] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. Some people get so caught up in the destination that they miss that life is about the journey. They’re so focused on the finish line that they miss that the beauty is in what and who you become on the way to the destination. I’ve received so many blessings in disguise in the form of health scares, people passing away, breakups, breakdowns, and so much more; and (me, has supported, most, that, the thing) is trusting in th...

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원문링크 : 올림포스 독해2 unit18 해석