올림포스 독해2 unit12어법문법

올림포스 독해2 unit12어법문법

올림포스 독해2 unit12 어법문법 어법 선택 Unit 12 무관한 문장 찾기 수능 ANALYSIS. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? One important way [which/in which] sport differs from [other/another] common entertainment forms [is/are] [that/what] sport is s . A play has a script and a concert has a program, but the action [that/what] entertains us in sport is s and [controlled/uncontrolled] by those who participate in the event. When we go to a comedic movie, we expect [laughing/to laugh], and when we go to a horror movie, we expect nail-bi...

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원문링크 : 올림포스 독해2 unit12어법문법