올림포스 독해2 unit14어법문법

올림포스 독해2 unit14어법문법

올림포스 독해2 unit14어법문법 어법 선택 Unit 14. 글의 순서 배열 수능 ANALYSIS: 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? I had an unforgettable experience with learning an American p when I began teaching at Thomas Jefferson College not long after I arrived in this country in the seventies. I [have/had] only begun to learn how to speak American English. My class [took/was taken] place in a large, windowless lecture hall, and on the first day, I’d just started to explain my goals for the class when one of the students yelled at...

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원문링크 : 올림포스 독해2 unit14어법문법