Topic 1 Question 95. What are some of the shortcomings in using letters regulatory?

Topic 1 Question 95. What are some of the shortcomings in using letters regulatory?

What are some of the shortcomings in using letters regulatory? Choose 3 answersA. They can be time-consumingB. They are based on a pre-existing mutual treaty between the countriesC. They are usually restricted to obtaining evidence that can be used for prosecution and other judicial proceedingsD. They must be approved in advance by the countries judicial authorities정답: ABD논쟁이 되는 이유는 letters regulatory가 commission rogatorie를 의미하는 것이라면 C(obtaining evidence)도 맞는 답이라는 것. 나 또한 이때문에 헷갈렸는데 문제의 요지는 shortcoming(단점)이기 때문에 그러한 측면에서는 ABD가 적..........

원문링크 : Topic 1 Question 95. What are some of the shortcomings in using letters regulatory?