Why people think German are so efficient 사람들은 왜 독일인은 효율적이라고 생각하는가?

Why people think German are so efficient 사람들은 왜 독일인은 효율적이라고 생각하는가?

In fact, German efficiency is a myth, with roots in religion, nationalism, enlightenment thought and a few major wars. 사실 독일의 효율성은 종교와 국가주의, 계몽사상, 몇몇 주요 전쟁에 뿌리를 둔 신화이다. 4 September 2017 2017년 9월 4일 In summer 2011, I was working at a small Berlin travel agency and facing a conundrum: my clients literally held tickets to nowhere. Their planes would be taking off shortly, but their destination – Berlin-Brandenburg Airport – would not be open to welcome them. Six summers have since come and gone, bu...

원문링크 : Why people think German are so efficient 사람들은 왜 독일인은 효율적이라고 생각하는가?