파워잉글리쉬 make a difference, inch up, split hairs

파워잉글리쉬 make a difference, inch up, split hairs

#파워잉글리쉬 #PowerEnlgihs #EBS영어 Buying car insurance; reviewinghis current plan 자동차 보험 가입: 현재 가입된 보험 검토하기 * plan: how much paying what services you are going to be receving such as insurance plan, cell phone plan As you see,... 보시다시피, ~ 보시다시피 저와 아내, 그리고 18살 된 딸을 위해 한달에 450달러를 지불하고 있어요 As you see, I'm paying $450 a month to cover my self, my wife, and our 18-year-old daughter 보시다시피, 이 그림은 엄청나게 좋은 상태입니다. As you see, the painting is in incredibly good condition 보시다시피, 저희 체육관은 최신 운동기구를 갖추고 있습니다. As you...

#EBS영어 #PowerEnlgihs #파워잉글리쉬

원문링크 : 파워잉글리쉬 make a difference, inch up, split hairs