[영어스터디자료] Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day

[영어스터디자료] Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day

Study English With Us (SEWU) 진행 중인 영어스터디 자료 공유합니다. 무단복사를 금하며 공유 시 반드시 본 링크 표시 바랍니다. You know that whole thing about drinking eight glasses of water a day? Sorry to have to tell you this, but it's a myth. It won't make your skin brighter, it won't make you feel clearheaded, it won't make you feel more energetic. It might, however, make you have to pee a lot. Many people don't understand the biology behind their bodies. There's a lot of misinformation out there. But the truth is that when you understand how your systems functio..........

원문링크 : [영어스터디자료] Why you don’t need 8 glasses of water a day