[AWS Trouble shooting] Client.InvalidParameterCombination: Could not create volume with size 8GiB from snapshot

[AWS Trouble shooting] Client.InvalidParameterCombination: Could not create volume with size 8GiB from snapshot

오토스케일된 인스턴스가 바로 Terminated 되는 문제가 발생했고 SNS 알림을 통해 메일로 에러 사유를 확인하니 위와 같은 내용이 있었음. Service: AWS Auto Scaling Time: 2021-01-12T01:00:52.851Z RequestId: 56a5dbd0-6ea1-62fe-4e18-f1ae080ee4ae Event: autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_LAUNCH_ERROR AccountId: 553260261205 AutoScalingGroupName: web-as-group AutoScalingGroupARN: arn:aws:autoscaling:ap-northeast-2:553260261205:autoScalingGroup:4e659db4-3660-4a76-b03..

원문링크 : [AWS Trouble shooting] Client.InvalidParameterCombination: Could not create volume with size 8GiB from snapshot