[라즈베리파이 크로스컴파일] 2. electron darkmode 예제

[라즈베리파이 크로스컴파일] 2. electron darkmode 예제

출처. https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/dark-mode Dark Mode | Electron "Native interfaces" include the file picker, window border, dialogs, context menus, and more - anything where the UI comes from your operating system and not from your app. The default behavior is to opt into this automatic theming from the OS. www.electronjs.org 앞서 공부했던 mainProcess, rendererProcess와 ipc, 프로그램의 전체..

원문링크 : [라즈베리파이 크로스컴파일] 2. electron darkmode 예제