[RN] 디버깅 툴 최신버전

[RN] 디버깅 툴 최신버전

https://reactnative.dev/docs/next/debugging?js-debugger=new-debugger Debugging Basics · React Native Accessing the Dev Menu reactnative.dev The React Native team is working on a new JavaScript debugger experience, intended to replace Flipper, with a preview available as of React Native 0.73. The new debugger can be enabled via React Native CLI. This will also enable j to debug. npx react-native start --experimental-debugger **** 사용 결과 console.log 에서 문자열 사이의 \n 을 인식 못한체로 뒷부분 문자가 없이 출력되는 현상이 발견됐다....

#rn #디버깅

원문링크 : [RN] 디버깅 툴 최신버전