영어면접 준비 필수항목

영어면접 준비 필수항목

① 간단한 자기소개 하기~!!!Tell me about yourself. Let me know a little about you. What should we know about you? Would you tell me about yourself?대답 포인트 : 자신의 성격이나 경력이 업무에 어떻게 영향을 줄 것인지 어필하라! ② 성격의 장점과 단점 말하기Can you point out your strengths and weaknesses? Do you have any notable strengths and weaknesses? If you don''t mind, tell us both your strong and weak points. Which aspects of yourself do you value, and which you do not? Tell us something you''re good at and something you are not good at.대답 포인트 : 약점을 극복하려는 의지와 노력에 대해 설명..........

원문링크 : 영어면접 준비 필수항목