[단어x유튜브] 느낌표 영어로?

[단어x유튜브] 느낌표 영어로?

exclamation point (주로 미국)exclamation mark (주로 영국)definitionThe exclamation mark, !, also sometimes referred to as the exclamation point, especially in American English (another term is ecphoneme, now obsolete) is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or high volume (shouting), or to show emphasis. The exclamation mark often marks the end of a sentence, for example: "Watch out!" Similarly, a bare exclamation mark (with nothing before or after) is often established in warning signs.* exclamation = interjectionyou..........

원문링크 : [단어x유튜브] 느낌표 영어로?