[영문기사] upon의 4가지 활용 + @

[영문기사] upon의 4가지 활용 + @

[영문기사] upon의 4가지 활용 + @ upon Oxford:more formal term for on, especially in abstract senses. Cambridge:Upon can be used to show that something happens soon after, and often because of, something else: Collins:You use upon when mentioning an event that is followed immediately by another event. Collins:If an event is upon you, it is just about to happen. Collins:You use upon between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that there are large numbers of the thing mentioned. on과 쓰임이 같지만 격식체...

#upon #뜻 #생활영어 #영문기사 #영어 #영어표현 #의미 #일상영어 #활용

원문링크 : [영문기사] upon의 4가지 활용 + @