

클로버 세 잎 클로버의 꽃말은 ‘행복’ 네잎 클로버의 꽃말은 ‘행운’ 다섯 잎 클로버의 꽃말은 ‘불행’ 행복 속에서도 노력 없이 행운만 계속 찾는 것은 오히려 불행의 단초가 될 수도 있다는 충고 아닐까요? Clover The flower language of a three-leaf clover is ‘happiness’ Four-leaf clover means ‘luck‘ The meaning of a five-leaf clover is "unhappy" Even in happiness To keep looking for luck without effort Rather, wouldn't it be advised that it could be the beginning of misfortune?...

원문링크 : 클로버(Clover)