에놀라 홈즈(Enola Holmes) 2020

에놀라 홈즈(Enola Holmes) 2020

영화 도입부 내용을 적어 볼께요.[Enola]Now, where to begin? The first thing you need to know is that my mother named me Enola. She insisted on it, in fact!I know it's an unusual name, but my mother is rather a fan of word games.[Eudoria (Enola's mother)] On your marks.[Enola] Get set.[Eudoria] Go.[Enola] And Enola spelled backwards reads, well. Alone[Eudoria] Yes. [Enola] She would continually tell me. [Eudoria] You'll do very well on your own, Enola.[Enola] And yet we were always together.블로그에 영어원서를 eBook으로 볼 수 있는 internet archive 링크를 모아 놓았으니 참고하..........

원문링크 : 에놀라 홈즈(Enola Holmes) 2020