The Grapes of Wrath 분노의 포도 원서 (서울도서관 eBook)

The Grapes of Wrath 분노의 포도 원서 (서울도서관 eBook)

The Grapes of Wrath 저자 John Steinbeck The Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression, a book that galvanized—and sometimes outraged—millions of readers. First published in 1939, Steinbeck's Pulitzer Prize-winning epic of the Great Depression chronicles the Dust Bowl migration of the 1930s and tells the story of one Oklahoma farm family, the Joads—driven from their homestead and forced to travel west to the promised land of California. Out of their trials and their repeated collisions against the hard realities of an America divided into Haves and Have-Nots evolves a drama th..........

원문링크 : The Grapes of Wrath 분노의 포도 원서 (서울도서관 eBook)