Fantastic Mr Fox (ch4~9) 표현정리

Fantastic Mr Fox (ch4~9) 표현정리

chapter 4~9 lick the stump of Mr Fox's tail to stop the bleeding stump (나무) 그루터기, (자르거나 부러지고 난 후의) 남은 부분 He looked very glum. glum 침울한 (gloomy) scrunch (자갈, 눈 위를 밟을 때와 같이) 저르륵저르륵(뽀드득뽀드득) 소리를 내다 Suddenly there was an especially loud crunch above their heads ~ crunch 으드득[뽀드득 등] (단단한 것이 으스러질 때 나는 소리) I'm not giving in till I've strung him up over my front porch, dead as a dumpling! string somebody up ~를 목매달아 죽이다 As a result, his earholes were clogged with all kinds of muck and wax and bits of chewi...

원문링크 : Fantastic Mr Fox (ch4~9) 표현정리