Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 18 (pg.123~129) ... 감동적인 문장과 단어정리

Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 18 (pg.123~129) ... 감동적인 문장과 단어정리

돈에 대해 이야기했던 여덟번째 화요일이네요..You know what really gives you satisfaction?” What? “Offering others what you have to give.” You sound like a Boy Scout. “I don’t mean money, Mitch. I mean your time. Your concern. Your storytelling. It’s not so hard. There’s a senior center that opened near here.~~There are lonely people in hospitals and shelters who only want some companionship. You play cards with a lonely older man and you find new respect for yourself, because you are needed.~~“Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote y..........

원문링크 : Tuesdays with Morrie Chapter 18 (pg.123~129) ... 감동적인 문장과 단어정리