[주한호주대사관]통번역 및 리서치 담당자 채용 (7주근무, ~7.28)

[주한호주대사관]통번역 및 리서치 담당자 채용 (7주근무, ~7.28)

[부서] 주한호주대사관 정치과 [담당업무] Under the direction of the Counsellor (Political), working cooperatively as a member of a small team, undertake research and analysis tasks and prepare reports, related to Korea’s domestic politics and international relations. Monitor Korean domestic and international developments relevant to the above tasks. Provide interpretation and translation services to a high standard (Korean-English; English-Korean), for Embassy staff as required, including for high-level meetings...

#사랑합니다 #선한영향력 #영어통번역 #영어통번역사채용 #주한호주대사관 #통번역및리서치 #호주대사관영어통번역

원문링크 : [주한호주대사관]통번역 및 리서치 담당자 채용 (7주근무, ~7.28)