[논문요약] DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability

[논문요약] DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability

PAPER SUMMARY DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability 참조하면 좋을 영상 https://youtu.be/7SwTcuBG0_I 관련 설명 영상 https://blog.naver.com/ehddbs1213/222883827815 [강화학습 - Safe RL] Somil Bansal - DeepReach: Learning for High-Dimensional Reachability Problems 필기 정리 https://youtu.be/7SwTcuBG0_I blog.naver.com 필기 정리 논문 정보 논문명: DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability 저자: Somil Bansal, and Claire J. Tomlin 기관명: University of Southern California, UC Berkeley...

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원문링크 : [논문요약] DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability