Ending Violence Within

Ending Violence Within

As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on September 4, 2008 in Rocky Mountain Park, Colorado While people abhor violence, and condemn violence, and seek ultimate punishment for those who are engaged in certain kinds of violence, they often fail to see the degree of potential violence within themselves. People love to watch violent movies, or pay close attention to catastrophes or battles or wars, as if they have an appetite and a thirst for violence. You see this all around you. It is not a myster...

#가난한자 #폭력 #통제된폭력성 #앎 #신의새메시지 #선택 #비난 #불안 #분개 #부자 #변화의큰물결 #마음의동요 #되돌아보기 #내면의힘 #내면의폭력성종식 #깊은자기평가 #결정 #훈계

원문링크 : Ending Violence Within