새로운 시작 Genesis 3:10-12

새로운 시작 Genesis 3:10-12

These days, Due to weather and my body’s bad condition.. I could’t focus on my goal and dairy life. I just prepared and endured a long times. Because I was scared a lot to face the world. So that’s why I spend my time in study cafe. Furthermore, Recently I have confronted my Senior in company. And I cried 1 hour. And I realized that It time to really move to another company for me. Not others Actually I still feel I am not ready. I just scared a lot. So I realized that I need a bible. In bible I can find the answer about my situations. 모세와 하나님의 대화가 창세기 3절에 나온다. 모세의 발걸..........

원문링크 : 새로운 시작 Genesis 3:10-12