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D-28 MBE 문제풀기 [내부링크]

1. Judge가 jury 에게 instruction으로 factual issue에 대한 specific question만 written으로 제출하고 어떤 당사자에게 유리할지 finding 하는 것을 자제하라고 함. 이것은 Judge가 special verdict을 하겠다는 것이기 때문에 허용 가능 special verdict의 경우, juryrk specified factual issue 에 대한 question에 답변하고 Judge가 jury의 답변에 따라 법을 적용하고 판결을 하는것 In a jury trial, the judge has complete discretion to decide which verdict to use - general verdict, general verdict with answer or special verdict. Types of jury verdicts (1) General verdict - Jury finds in favor of, and aw

D-26 MBE 문제풀이 [내부링크]

1. 차사고가 나는것을 목격하고 바로 녹음 - present sense impression and recorded recollection 2. joint tenant는 lifetime transfer하는 순간 tenancy in common 으로 sever된다 3. Judge의 jury instruction에 피고측 instruction은 포함되었으나 원고측 instruction은 포함되지 않음. 원고 object했으나 overruled. 각 당사자의 closing argument전에 judge는 instruct jury했고, 원고는 다시 object 했으나 overruled됨. 피고측이 이김. 원고는 judge error를 주장하며 appeal. appeal court는 judge가 error했다고 판결? No, judge may instruct the jury before closing arguments. court는 jury가 discharged 되기 전에 언제든지 instru

Bar Prep Course 전격 비교 [내부링크]

지금까지 이런 Bar Prep Course 비교 표는 없었다! 2023년 최신형 Bar Exam Course 비교표 가격 기간 강의 시간 문제 수 장점 사이트 링크 Barbri $4199-1999 12-6 months 8-10weeks 5500+ 1:1 MBE tutoring session Bar Prep Course | BARBRI Bar Review Course | Bar Exam Prep Kaplan $2199-1499 4months - 90 days 220시간 4000 Answer Explanations Bar Review Courses and Exam Prep | Kaplan Test Prep | Kaplan Test Prep ( Themis $2695-999 4 months 10weeks 1375+Uwolrd Including Uworld Themis Bar Review Quimbee $1849-999 Until You Pass 120+ 비디오 180

미국인+외국인 부부의 Joint Reture 제출 시 세금신고 내역은? 미국 or 전세계?? [내부링크]

미국인의 경우, Tax 신고는 worldwide입니다. 전 세계에서 들어오는 수익을 신고해야 합니다. 단, 해외의 소득 중 근로 소득이나 foreign tax credit와 같은 특정 소득은 신고에서 제외될 수 있어요. 외국인(nonresident alien)의 경우 일반적으로 미국 내에서의 수익만 tax 신고를 하면 됩니다. 결혼한 부부의 경우 tax 신고를 jointly 하게 하는 경우가 많습니다. 이렇게 joint 해서 tax 신고를 하는 경우 소득원에 상관없이 합산 소득을 기준으로 과세됩니다. 따라서, 납부해야 할 세금의 정확한 금액은 부부의 총 과세 소득, 공제액 및 공제액에 따라 달라집니다. 결국, * 미국인 - 미국+해외 소득 * 외국인 - 미국내 소득 * 부부의 Joint 신고 - 합산 소득 예를 들어보겠습니다 미국인 A가 외국인 B와 결혼하여 미국에서 거주하는 상황입니다. 미국인 A는 미국내 소득만 있고 외국인 B는 미국에서 아르바이트를 하면서 해외에서 렌트비를 받고

미국 세금 신고 Taxpayer Personal Information - 필수로 기입해야 하는 개인정보 [내부링크]

미국에서 세금신고를 하기 위해서는 필수적으로 기입해야하는 Personal information 이 있습니다. 1. Full name: 납세자의 성명은 Social Security card 또는 신분증에 표시된 대로 정확하게 기입해야 합니다. 2. Social Security number 또는 taxpayer identification number: 유효한 사회 보장 번호(SSN) 또는 납세자 식별 번호(TIN)가 필요합니다. 납세자가 기혼인 경우 공동 신고 시 배우자의 SSN 또는 TIN도 제공해야 합니다. 3. Date of birth: 납세자의 생년월일은 특정 공제 및 공제 자격과 같은 식별 및 연령 관련 세금 계산에 필요합니다. 4. Mailing address: 납세자의 현재 우편 주소는 IRS의 모든 통신이 신속하게 전달되도록 하기 위해 필요합니다. 납세자가 과세 연도 중에 이사한 경우 새 주소를 제공하고 우편 서비스를 통해 전달되는 모든 우편물이 신속하게 배달되도록 해야

[미국 Tax] 세금 신고 시 부양가족의 기준 [내부링크]

미국에서 세금 신고서를 작성할 때 부양가족을 결정하는 기준은 간단합니다 1.부양 자녀(Qualifying Child) 기준 (1) 납세자가 양육비의 50% 이상 지원 (2) 자녀의 총소득이 $4,400미만이거나 또는 19세 미만, full-time학생인 경우 24세 미만 (3) 납세자와 자녀가 함께 살거나 related 된 경우 (4) 자녀가 결혼했더라도 배우자와 joint return을 제출하지 않아야 함 (5) 자녀가 US citizen, national, resident 이거나 캐나다 또는 멕시코에 거주하는 경우 2. 부양 친척(Qualifying Relative) 기준 (1) 납세자와 Child, stepchild, or foster child, Parent or stepparent, Grandparent or grandchild, Sibling or stepsibling 등의 관계 (2) 납세자가 생활비의 양육비의 50% 이상 지원 (3) 부양 친척의 총 소득이 $4,400

D-51 MEE 10개 풀기 [내부링크]

2021 FEB Agency & Partnership 1(a) (20%) It is unlikely that the woman and the man are partners because the man does not participate in the control and management of the food-truck business, even though they have an agreement to share profits. - Partnership is defined as “an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit whether or not the person intend to from a partnership.” - In addition “a person who receives a share of the profits of a business is presumed

D-50 MBE 50 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Criminal immunity 는 immunity를 받은 사람의 해당 발언에 대하여 derivative use도 immunity를 받는다. 여기서, businessman의 murder에 대해 partner 는 immunity를 받고 그와 associate가 businessman을 죽였다고함. 후에 associate 가 plea to manslaughter 하면서 partner에 반하는 증언을 함. 그럼, 이때, associate의 증언은 partner가 immunity를 받고 했던 발언에서 시작된 즉, derivate 한 증언이기 때문에 partner에게 사용될 수 없다. 2. Dying declaration, hearsay exception - believe his death was imminent가 필요 하지만, 여기서, 자신이 죽을 것이라고 믿었다는 것에 대한 언급이 없기 때문에 Statement against interest - hearsay exception - de

D-48 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Forum non conveniens - 해외에 지사에서 일어난 일이고, 해외에 모든 증인과 증거들이 다 있는 경우 first motion 에서 다른걸 제기한 이후라도 second motion으로 forum non conveniens를 주장하면서 motion to dismiss를 할 수 있다. first pleading or motion에서는 improper venue에 대해 제기하지 않으면 waiver 된다. 하지만 venue와 forum은 서로 다른 개념이기 때문에 forum non conveniens는 이런 waiver에 해당하지 않음 Doctrine of forum non conveniens Under the doctrine of forum non conveniens, a federal court can dismiss or stay a lawsuit if a state or foreign jurisdiction is more convenient forum. To make

D-46 MBE 문제 풀이 [내부링크]

1. Federal law는 가짜 ID를 쓴 사람을 고용한 고용주(employer)를 처벌하고, State law는 둘다 처벌하는 경우, employer에 대해서만 Federal law가 supremacy하다. Express preemption occurs when a federal law is enacted under an exclusive federal power or explicitly bars state regulation. Implied preemption occurs when there is not room for state regulation, it is nearly impossible to comply with both laws, or the state law frustrates the federal law’s purpose 2. 보행자가 bicyclist와 사고를 당함. 지나가던 jogger가 good faith로 응급처치를 하려다가 보행자가 더 다침. 이 juris

D-42 MBE 30 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. 대통령이 공무원들에게 언론사와 대화하기 전에 보고할것을 법으로 제정. 공무원이 언론에 부통령 관련 이야기를 하고 hearing 이후 짤림. 공무원은 이런 법령이 unconstitutional 하다고 주장. 이 법은 unconstitutional - president cannot broadly limit all executive employee’s freedom of speech and association. 대통령이라 하더라도 Constitutional right을 규제할 수 없음 2. Congress가 법으로 가솔린 가격 규제를 위해 7명의 agency를 만들기로 하고, 4명은 대통령이 임명, 2명은 상원이 1명은 House of speaker가 지명하기로 함. 가솔린 소매상들이 가솔린 바가지 요금에 연류되어있다며 처벌. agency에 대한 가장 강력한 constitutional argument는 Congress가 appoint power가 없다는 것 헌법 상 대통령이 상원의

D-40 MBE 50문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. 이웃이 집을 팔려고 하자 landowner가 그 집주인을 협박해서 집 판매 거래를 취소하게 함. 이웃은 landowner를 IIED로 소송 이웃이 suffered severe emotional distress as a consequence of the homeowner's conduct라면 IIED 성립 IIED - not required physical harm To establish intentional infliction of emotional distress, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant (1) intended to cause the plaintiff serve emotional distress ( or acted recklessly as to the risk of causing such distress) (2) behaved in an extreme and outrageous manner and (3) caused th

D-35 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. 여자가 burglary 하는 현장을 촬영한 사진 - jury가 여자와 사진을 비교하기 위한 증거로 채택 가능 A photograph is generally authenticated when a witness with personal knowledge of the thing depicted testifies that the photograph fairly and accurately depicts that thing. But if the photograph depicts something that could not otherwise be seen, the process for taking that photograph must be proven reliable. 사진은 일반적으로 묘사 된 것에 대해 개인적인 지식을 가진 증인이 그 사진이 그 사진을 공정하고 정확하게 묘사하고 있음을 증언 할 때 인증됩니다. 그러나 사진이 다른 방법으로는 볼 수 없었던 것을 묘사한다면 그 사진을 찍는

D-32 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. 바텐더가 여자친구에게 주말에 자기네 집에 놀라오라고 한뒤, 여자친구가 집에 놀러오자 여자친구의 아빠에게 돈을 달라고 해서 돈을 받음 - not kidnapping not attempted kidnapping *Kidnapping is (1) the unlawful and intentional confinement of another coupled with (2) the movement or concealment of that person. Confinement occurs when the victim’s freedom of movement is restricted against his will. 2. oral contract에 대한 civil action에서 contract이 형성 됫음을 입증하는 증거로 제시될 수 있는 것 - Relevant: the evidence has any tendency to make the fact of contract formation more o

D-67 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Authentication Even if tangible evidence is relevant, it still must be properly authenticated before it can be introduced into evidence. A photograph is authenticated by having a witness with personal knowledge of the thing depicted testify that the photograph fairly and accurately depicts that thing. 2. Constitutional defamation - private person, public concern The defendant knowingly made a false statement about the plaintiff or negligently failed to determine its falsity. That type of stat

D-66 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Expert witness - technical or specialized knowledge, to help jury understand the evidence or determine a fact in issue 2. Robbery Robbery requires 1) wrongful taking, carrying away 2) of personal property 3) of another 4) by threat or force 5) with intent to permanently deprive the property 3. Default judgment A default judgment generally occurs when a defendant fails to timely serve an answer to a plaintiff’s complaint. A clerk may enter a default judgment when (1) the claims is for a sum ce

D-64 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Time is of the essential - closing date에 marketable title 이 넘어갈 수 있어야 함 2. Appellate standards of review (1) Legal issue (De novo): Jury instruction, conclusion of law (2) Fact issue (Clear error, Substantial evidence): Credibility of witness, factual determinations/verdict (3) Discretionary ruling (Abuse of discretion): injunctions, admissibility of evidence 3. Battery - harmful or offensive contact with plaintiff’s person with intent to causation. 4. 여기서, both parties are merchants, so the

D-63 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Forum-selection clause 가 있으면 그걸 따라서 personal jurisdiction이 결정 2. Judge(court) 가 witness의 qualification을 결정 3. Work product Work product falls into one of two categories (1) Ordinary - materials containing factual information related to the case (eg, a document containing a witness’s statements - as seen here) (2) Opinion - materials containing the attorney’s mental impressions, conclusions, opinions, or legal theories (eg, a document containing the attorney’s trial strategy) Opinion work prod

D-62 MBE 문제 풀이 [내부링크]

1. Contract 에서 liquidate damages 조항이 있고, liquidate damages가 계약 금액의 15%를 넘지 않는 경우, Court는 해당 damage가 reasonable 하다고 판단하고 breach 되었을 때 해당 금액을 배상해 주라고 함 2. Hearsay within hearsay neighbor -> husband: state of mind or motive or intent Husband -> woman: hearsay 3. 사용하지 않는 물길을 막은것 - Private nuisance 에 해당 Unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of the premises 4. Grand jury - 4th amendment exclusionary rule이 적용되지 않음 그 외에도, grand jury에는 5th right to counsel, 6th confrontation clause 적용되지 않음 5

D-61 MBE 문제 풀이 [내부링크]

1. 부모의 parental rights - due process의 burden of proof는 적어도 clear and convincing evidence 여야 함 2. 땅의 Zoning을 어겨서 사용을 못하게 될 것을 말하지 않음. Failure to disclose constitute lack of good faith & fair dealing - Mistake about basic assumption 결국, Nondisclosure 가 lack of good faith & fair dealing으로 인한 misrepresentation에 해당함. Nondisclosure 가 발생할 경우, 사실을 말하지 않은 당사자가 duty of good faith 나 fair dealing을 violation한 경우, 또는 assumption of risk한 경우 책임을 져야 함. Nondisclosure of a known fact is tantamount to an assertion

D-56 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. State action State action doctrine applies when (1) a private actor performs a traditional and exclusive government function or (2) the government is significantly involved in the private actor’s activities. The private actor is then treated as a government actor and bound by the Constitution. 2. Pretrial disclosure must be made 30 days before trial Objections to use at trial of disclosed deposition testimony, or exhibits must be made within 14 days after the disclosures or such objections ar

D-54 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. rent비를 내지 않은 것에 대해 과거 rent비는 청구 가능, future rent는 청구할 수 없음. 여기서, tenant가 unjustifiable abandonment 하는 경우, 이것은 tenant 의 offer to surrender로 본다. 이때, landlord는 tenant의 surrender를 accept하거나 reject 할 수 있다 원래 집주인은 duty to mitigate damage가 없지만, majority jurisdiction에서는 집주인이 reasonable effort to re-rent 해서 mitigate damage할 의무가 생긴다. 2. Statute of limitation이 7월 31일인데 내년 12월 31일까지 이자를 내면서 돈을 갚기로 하고 대신 소송을 걸지 않겠다고 singed writing했음. 하지만 내년 6월 1일 소송함. 이 경우, 여자에게 돈 갚으라고 할 수 없음. 왜냐면 lawfully conditioned 한 계약

D-82, 81 MBE 50 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Non-hearsay - Party opponent Non-hearsay applies to statements made by and offered against an opposing party. 2. Non existing public records Hearsay exception applies to the absence of public records, which allows the admission of evidence that a diligent search failed to locate a public record to prove that (1) the public record does not exist or (2) a matter regularly kept in public records did not occur 3. Landlord’s duty to repair Residential lease - implied warranty of habitability In mo

D-75 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Contract - Condition (1) Condition precedent - an uncertain future event that, if it occurs, creates a party’s duty to perform - A agrees to hire B if B graduates college (2) condition subsequent - an uncertain future event that, if it occurs, excuses a party’s existing duty to perform - B agrees to work for A until B graduates college *Once a binding a contract is formed, the fact that the parties further agree that the contract will be memorialized in a final writing does not prevent enforc

D-74 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Negligence - physical disability In negligence cases, the conduct of a defendant with a physical disability will be measured by the standard of reasonable careful person with the same disability. **Negligence - Children Must act in same manner as reasonable child of same age, intelligence and experience. Adult standard applied to children engaged in dangerous adult activity. Children under five years old incapable of negligence 2. Lay witness A lay witness may testify (1) the opinion based on

D-73 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Motion to alter or amend final judgment Motion must be made within 28 days on any of following grounds: * Judgment based on manifest error of law or fact (eg, court applied wrong law) * Necessary to prevent manifest injustice (eg, attorney or juror misconduct) * Discovery of new evidence that was unavailable during trial * intervening change in controlling law 2. Judge as witness (1) Judge may not testify in trial over which judge is presiding (2) No objection necessary to preserve issue for

D-71 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Defamation - Slender per se Defamation can be either liber (written) or slender (statement). To establish a defamation claim based on slander, the plaintiff must prove all of the followings: (1) the defendant knowingly made a false statement or negligently failed to determine its falsity (2) statement would tend to harm the plaintiff’s reputation (3) special damage [Slender per se] Slender per se, it accuses the plaintiff of (1) commit a serious crime (eg, murder, conspiracy) (2) professional

D-70 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Supremacy clause U.S. Constitution - Federal laws & treaties - State Constitution - State laws - local laws 2. Easement - necessity An easement is an interest in land that gives the holder of the easement the right to use the land of another for some limited purpose 3. Negligence Negligence requires 1) duty of care 2) breach of duty 3) causation (factual, proximate) and 4) damages 4. Anticipatory repudiation - retract Under UCC, a repudiating party may retract its repudiation unless and until

[MEE] 2012 July Criminal [내부링크]

Criminal의 범죄에 해당하는 구성요건을 먼저 써주고 Criminal이 Conviction되기 위한 Mens rea, Actus reas, Causation (Actual, Proximate) 를 써 준다. 1-(1). Voluntary manslaughter (1) (most jurisdiction) unreasonable risk of death or serious bodily injury (2) (modern and majority view) Recklessly - conscious disregards of a know risk (3) (other jurisdiction) gross/criminal/culpable negligence - ordinary person in defendant situation would have been aware that her conduct created an unreasonable risk of death or serious bodily

D-68 MBE 문제풀기 [내부링크]

1. Joint tenancy (TTIP: at the same time, as the same title and interest, right to possess the whole) -> 생전 증여, 양도, mortgage -> tenancy in common *When a co-tenancy is divided in an action for partition by sale, any lien on a tenant’s property interest will stay attached to the interest if the creditor is not a party to the action. But if the creditor is a party, then the lien will attach to the sale proceeds attributable to the interest. 2. Negligence per se Under negligence per se doctrine, vi

D-90 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Kidnapping Kidnapping requires 1) transporting or secret imprisonment 2) lack of consent 3) unlawful confinement 4) with general intent. 2. Retract the repudiation Under UCC Article 2, a repudiating party may retract its repudiation unless and until the other party 1) cancelled, 2) materially changed position, or 3) otherwise indicated that party considers the repudiation to be final. 3. Involuntary manslaughter An intentional killing committed during an unlawful act or with criminal negligen

D-89 MBE 30 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Appointment of Federal officers Principal - President with Senate approval inferior - President with Senate approval unless Congress delegates appointment to President alone, federal courts or heads of executive departments 2. Relevant Evidence is generally admissible if relevant, and its probative value is not substantially outweighed by unfair prejudice. Evidence is relevant if it has any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence. 3. Subject matter

D-88 MBE 30 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Future interest The future interest that follow a life estate is either a reversion or a remainder. Both are transferable, devisable, and descendible. 2. Recording System Under a notice recording act, a bona fide purchaser who pays value for a property interest will have priority over an earlier property interest if the BFP took without notice of the earlier interest. Notice can be any of the following: Actual - the buyer has direct knowledge of a prior interest in the property Record - a doc

D-87 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Misunderstanding A misunderstanding involving a material term ordinarily results in no contract if neight (or both) parties knew or had reason to know of the misunderstanding. However, one party can waive the misunderstanding and enforce the contract in accordance with the other party’s understanding. 2. False pretense False pretense requires (1) knowingly misrepresented a past or existing material fact (2) intent to deprive (3) obtained title to the property of another 3. Special relationshi

D-86 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Cotenant’s right A cotenant has the right to freely transfer his interest under a lease without consent from the landlord or other cotenants. But the landlord can restrict his right under an express lease provision that only the landlord, as the beneficiary of that provision, can enforce. 2. Vicarious liability A principal is vicariously liable for the wrongful act of his agent committed within the scope of the agency relationship. That relationship exists when there is a mutual agreement tha

D-85 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Parol evidence rule The parol evidence rule bars evidence of prior or contemporaneous communications that supplement or contradict the terms of a fully integrated, written contract. But such evidence is admissible to determine remedies for breach (eg, to prove foreseeability of consequential damages) 2. Mortgagee is entitled to take possession if the mortgagor abandons the mortgaged property. *Lien theory mortgage: Mortgagor retains title and possession unless lender forecloses *Title theory

D-84 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Final judgment A district court may certify an order for appeal if it states in writing that (1) there is a substantial difference of opinion on the controlling question of law and (2) an appeal may materially advance the ultimate termination of the litigation. The application to the appellate court must be made within 10 days after the entry of the order. 2. Opposing party’s statement Statements adopted by an opposing party are excluded from the rule against hearsay if they are against that

D-84 MBE 50 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

일단 10문제만 정리. 1. Lay witness Lay witness can testify 1) the opinion based on perception or observation 2) opinion helps determine a fact in issue and 3) not based on special, technical knowledge. 2. Risk of loss Under UCC, the risk of loss generally remains with the seller until the buyer receives the goods. However, if the contract deals with specifically identified goods, then complete destruction of the goods excuses each party’s duty to perform so long as the destruction occurred: 1) without

[MEE] JUL. 17 – Civil: Motion to dismiss for insufficient service of process, choice of law [내부링크]

1. Motion to dismiss for insufficient service of process는 original motion to dismiss에 포함되지 않으면 waiver로 간주 되지만, (1) 수정 시 반대 당사자가 prejudice를 갖지 않았고 (2) 기소나 사건 결정에 delay가 없다면 Amendment가 받아 드려질 수 있다. 2. Service of Process는 individual’s dwelling or usual place of abode에 suitable age and discretion who resides there인 사람에게 전달 되어야만 한다. 3. Substantive law 는 그 court가 위치한 state의 law를 따른다. 4. 선택된 주법은 (1) close connection to the parties and the transaction이 있어야 하고, (2) not contrary to the fundamental policy

D-96 MBE 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

DC Bar exam D-96 Uworld MBE 30문제 풀기 1. possibility of reverter - so long as, as long as, during 2. 5th amendment privilege against self-incrimination - Privilege - Testimonial communication: Oral testimony, Act of producing documents - Not Privileged - Real or physical evidence: fingerprints, handwriting samples, voice tests, photographs, physical characteristics & clothing, movements or gestures, blood, DNA, urine samples 3. Violate Statute of Fraud make enforceable on part-performance 4. Reloc

D-95 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1 UCC Art.2 - Partial payment * Partial payment renders the contract enforceable only up to the quantity paid for in full, while a partial payment for an indivisible good renders the entire contract enforceable. 2. Class action requires 1) numberosity, 2) commonality, 3) typicality and 4) adequacy. * Certification of a class action is appropriate if it seeks “incidental monetary damages” not individualized monetary relief. 3. 여자는 Land에 계속 살고 있고, Land의 소유권을 받기 전에 A에게 증여하고 A는 recording, 소유권을 받은 후

D-94 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Attorney-Client Privilege Attorney-client privilege communication are privileged when (1) made to obtain legal advice and/or representation and (2) intended to be and kept confidential Mere offering to share the privileged information does not waive the privilege. 2. Defamation Defamation requires 1) publication 2) of defamatory statement concerning of plaintiff 3) causing reputational damage (special damages requires on slender) A defamation claim based on libel (permanency and dissemination

D-93 MBE 30 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Conspiracy Under Model Penal Code, conspiracy requires 1) unilateral agreement 2) intent to commit crime Under Common law, conspiracy requires 1) bilateral agreement 2) intent to commit crime. 2. Preexisting duty Under the Preexisting duty rule, a debtor’s promise to pay a liquidated debt is not consideration for a creditor’s return promise. 3. “as is” provision Seller of residential property must disclose known material defects that the buyer cannot reasonably discover. However, the seller c

D-92 MBE 30 문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. UCC Art. 2, Acceptance creates contract Acceptance by shipment is effective immediately and creates a contract identical to those of the offer. Once created, the contract cannot be modified unless both parties agree to this. 2. Hearsay exception - Recorded recollection When a witness is unable to recollect memory, a witness read the writing for substantive evidence purpose if the writing was timely (fresh in witness’ memory) and accurately (fully) made by or adopted by the witness 3. Warrantl

D-91 MBE 30문제 풀기 [내부링크]

1. Impeachment Witness may be impeached by prior inconsistent statement, bias, sensory deficiency, felony conviction (balancing test), conviction of crimes involving dishonesty, reputation, specific bad act or contradiction. 2. Equal protection - illegitimacy Law must be substantially related to an important government purpose. Gender, illegitimacy, Undocumented alien children Under the equal protection clause, discriminatory laws are generally reviewed under the rational basis test. But law tha

[MEE] JUL. 17 – Constitutional: 11th Amendment, Dormant Commerce Clause [내부링크]

1. 11th Amendment 에 의해서 State는 미국 시민에 의해 소송 당할 수 없다. 단, 소송에 동의하는 경우 소송할 수 있다. *11th amendment* - The Eleventh amendment provides that “the judicial power of the United States” does not extend to “any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State.” - The state has immunity from suit unless it agrees to be sued. 2. 11th Amendment는 시민이 공무원에게 공무원 업무로 인한 injunction 소송을 제한하지 않는다. - “Official-capacity actions against state officials for pro

[MEE] JUL. 17 – Secured Transaction: Attachment, Perfection, and Account [내부링크]

UCC 9 고정 문장 - A security interest arises when a party uses a certain property to secure repayment of funds to another party. - Security interest governed by UCC Art. 9. - The attachment means that the security interest is enforceable. It requires (VCR) 1) a value has given by creditor, 2) a signed agreement contained information of parties and collateral and 3) debtor's right for collateral. - A security interest is generally perfected by 1) attachment and filing of financing statement. - In gen

[MEE] JUL. 17 – Will/Trust: Valid will, Interested witness, Republication-by-codicil doctrine [내부링크]

1. valid will이 되려면 1) 유언자 서명, 2) will 끝에 유언자의 사인 3) 증인 2 명 참석 4) 한 명의 증인이 다른 증인의 서명 후 30 일 이내에 서명 이 필요함 *Validity of will* - Valid will requires 1) signed by testator, 2) testator's sign must signed at the end of the will 3) 2 attesting witnesses, and 4) one witness must sign within 30 days after other witness's sign 2. 유언에 의해 상속을 받는 interested witness가 있는 경우, Common law 에서 그 will은 invalid 함 *Interested witness* - Under the Common law, Testator’s will would be invalid because one of the witnesse

[MEE] JUL.17 – Evidence/Criminal: Relevance, Self-defense, Miranda warning, opposing party statement [내부링크]

1. Relevance 쓰고 시작하기!! - Evidence is relevant if it has "any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence." 2. Defendant가 즉각적인 다른 사람으로부터의 위험에서 자신을 지키기 위해 force를 사용하는 것을 “reasonable believe” 하는 경우 self-defense가 성립. 3. Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. 4. Custodial interrogation 상황에서 Miranda warning을 주어야 하지만, public safety를 지키기 위해서는 Miranda warning 없이 바로 custodial interrogation이 가능. 5. 당사자의 말은 opposing par

[MEE] JUL. 17 –Evidence/Criminal: Relevance, Self-defense, Miranda warning, opposing party statement [내부링크]

1. Relevance 쓰고 시작하기!! - Evidence is relevant if it has "any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence." 2. Defendant가 즉각적인 다른 사람으로부터의 위험에서 자신을 지키기 위해 force를 사용하는 것을 “reasonable believe” 하는 경우 self-defense가 성립. 3. Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted. 4. Custodial interrogation 상황에서 Miranda warning을 주어야 하지만, public safety를 지키기 위해서는 Miranda warning 없이 바로 custodial interrogation이 가능. 5. 당사자의 말은 opposing par

[MEE] Feb. 2020: Hybride Contract, Substantial Performance [내부링크]

엄청 최근 기출 문제를 풀어봤어요2020년 2월! DC BAR EXAM 의 Contract 룰만 간단히 정리해 볼께요< Hybrid contract – Mixed Common law and UCC Art.2> *Predominant Purpose Test*- In a hybrid contract involving both goods contract and non-goods contract, courts use “Predominant Purpose Test” to determine which law applies to the whole contract. <Common law – Substantial Performance +Not Material Breach> *Substantial performance 인정받는 경우*- Under the Common law doctrine of Substantial Performance, a breaching party entitled to require his performance if it is “substantially pe.......

[MEE] JUL. 2018: Nonconforming use, Future-Advances loan/mortgage [내부링크]

DC BAR EXAM에서 MEE Real Property 문제였던!!Nonconforming-use가 나왔던 그 문제!!룰 한글 정리 및 영어 같이 정리해봤어요. 1. Nonconforming uses는 insubstantial change나 reasonable alterations에 대해서는 허용하지만 substantial change는 허용하지 않는다. Nonconforming uses는 부분적으로 그 땅을 취득했을 때의 법에 따라 구매와 운영에 대한 investment-backed expectations을 일부 보호해 주기도 함. 2. Future-Advances 는 돈을 빌릴 때 전체 빌린 금액을 한번에 받는 것이 아니라 필요할 때마다 받을 수 있는 것. 3. Future-Advances는 obligation과 optional로 나눠지는데Obligation은 Future-Advances의 creditor가 아.......

[MEE] JUL. 2018: Hearsay Exception [내부링크]

DC BAR EXAM 에서 2018년도 MEE 기출!!이슈가 이렇게 많으면 이게 30분 내에 작성이 되는건가요 ㅠ_ㅠ1. 모든 증거는 relevant한지의 여부를 먼저 결정 Evidence is relevant if it has "any tendency to make a fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence." 2. Lay witness는, 자신의 perception으로 소송의 이슈 판단에 도움이 되며 전문적인 지식이 아닌 것을 증언 가능 - Under Federal Rule of Evidence 701, lay opinion testimony is admissible if it is (a) witness's perception; (b) helpful to understanding the witness's testimony or to determining a fact in issue; and .......

[MEE] JUL. 18 Corporation: Incorporation, De facto corporation, Corporation by estoppel [내부링크]

제가 어려워하는 Corporation2018 7월 DC BAR EXAM MEE기출 룰 정리 입니다^^1. Corporation은 article of incorporation을 filing 해야 설립되고 incorporation되지 않은 것을 알고 있으면서도 그 전에 corporation을 대신하여 행동하는 경우, joint and severally liability을 가짐. *Existence of Corporation*- Under Model Business Corporation Act (MBCA), a corporation comes into existence with the filing of article of incorporation. - Under MBCA, persons who purport to act on behalf of a corporation prior to incorporation, knowing that there is no incorporation, become joint and severally liable for all li.......

[MEE] FEB. 2018: Premarital Agreement, Marital Property, Separate Property, Child custody [내부링크]

이제부터는 2018년도 2월 MEE입니다. DC BAR EXAM 접수가 곧 끝나는데접수를.... 해야하나 말아야 하나 시프네요1. Premarital agreement는 (1) voluntariness, (2) fairness, and (3) disclosure의 조건을 만족해야 하고, 강압이나 억지로 계약이 체결 되서는 안된다. *Premarital Agreement*- In all states, the enforceability of a premarital agreement turns on three factors(1) voluntariness(2) fairness(3) disclosure- In considering whether a premarital agreement was voluntarily executed, courts look to whether there was fraud, duress, or coercion. 2. gift or inherited로 취득한 재산은 이혼 시 분할하지 않아도 되.......

[MEE] FEB 2018. Insanity: Dusty test, M’Naghten test [내부링크]

1. Competence 는 형사 소송에서 피고가 재판을받을 수있는 법적 요건Incompetence를 판단하기 위한 Dusty test는 2가지 요건이 있음.(1) 현재 합리적으로 변호사와 상담할 수 있는 능력(2) 소송 절차와 사건에 대한 합리적 이해 *Dusky Test*- Competence to stand trial is a legal requirement that refer to a defendant’s ability to participate in criminal proceedings. - To be competent of incompetence, Dusky test has two prongs: the defendant must have (1) sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding, and (2) a rational as well as factual understanding.......

[MEE] FEB. 2018 – Contract: Hybrid Contract, Parol Evidence Rule, and Common law modification [내부링크]

DC BAR EXAM MEE 기출 contract 룰 정리1. Sale of goods 와 nongoods의 계약이 섞여 있는 hybrid contract의 경우, "predominant purpose" test를 통해 계약의 주요 목적에 해당하는 부분의 법을 전체 계약에 적용*Hybrid Contract - Predominant Purpose*- Contracts for the sale of goods are governed by Art. 2 of UCC.- Most other contracts are governed by the common law of contracts.- The contract here is mixed (or "hybrid") in the sense that it contains both sale-of-goods aspects and nongoods aspects.- In such a hybrid contract, involving both goods and nongoods, courts typically use.......

[MEE] FEB.18: Property: Warranty deed covenant, Covenant against Encumbrances [내부링크]

1. Warranty Deed Covenants는 3개의 present covenants 와 3개의 future covenants가 있다.3개의 present covenant 는(1) covenant of seisin,(2) covenant of right to convey(3) covenant against encumbrances.3개의 future covenant는(1) the covenant of warranty(2) the covenant of quiet enjoyment, and(3) the covenant of further assurances.*Warranty Deed Covenants*- A warranty deed contains six title covenants, three present covenants and three future covenants.The three present covenants are1. covenant of seisin,2. covenant of right to convey3. covenant against encumbrances.- A warranty deed also .......

[MEE] FEB. 18 – Civil: Rule 11 Sanction, Safe habor rule [내부링크]

1. 변호사가 good faith를 가지고 "reasonable under the circumstances”의 pre-filing "inquiry"를 통해 inaccurate pleading을 제출했다면 sanction을 받지 않음. 하지만, 주제의 복잡성, 조회 가능 시간, 관련 정보에 대한 접근의 용이성 또는 어려움 등 상황에 따라 Reasonableness가 달라짐.*Rule 11 Sanction*- A lawyer who files an inaccurate pleading is not subject to sanctions if the lawyer acted in good faith after making a pre-filing "inquiry" that was "reasonable under the circumstances."- Reasonableness of investigation depends on totality of circumstances, includi.......

[MEE] FEB. 18 – Agency: Withdrawal, Dissolution of Partnership [내부링크]

1. Partnership은 특정 조항이 있지 않는 한 언제든 탈퇴를 통지할 경우 withdraw할 수 있고, UPA에 의해 at will partnership에서는 partner's withdrawal은 partnership이 dissolution 될 수 있다.*Withdraw Partnership*- A partner may withdraw from a partnership by giving notice at any time.- In the absence of a definite term or particular undertaking, a partnership is deed to be at will.- Under UPA, in at will partnership, notice of partner's withdrawal causes partnership to be dissolved, and business must be wound up.2. Winding-up 중에도 partner 로서의 권리와 의무는 계속된다. 따라서.......

[MEE] JUL.17 – Torts: Strict liability for abnormally dangerous, Common Usage, Reasonable Care [내부링크]

1. strict liability for abnormally dangerous은 위험하고 부적합한 일 또는 활동으로 인해 다른 사람에게 손해를 입혔을 때 책임을 지는 것*Abnormally Dangerous Activity*- The modern doctrine of strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities defines that the defendant will be liable when he damages another by a thing or activity unduly dangerous and inappropriate to the place where it is maintained, in the light of the character of that place and its surroundings.2. abnormally dangerous한 물질이여도 커뮤니티의 많은 사람들에게 common usage가 있는 경우 그 risk가 정당화 될 수 있음*Common.......

DC BAR 시험 접수 방법 Character and Fitness 쉽게 따라하기 [내부링크]

미국 변호사 시험은 공부도 공부지만 일단 접수부터가 너무 어려워서 힘들었던 기억이 있어요.아마 2021년 FEB에 진행되는 remote bar exam에 지원하시는 분들 많으실 것같은데도움이 되고 싶어서 오랫만에 포스팅을 해볼께요^^DC 바시험은 접수는 아래 3가지 단계로 진행이 되요. 보통 시험 접수가 한군데서 끝나는게 아니여서 더 어려울 수 있어요. 1. NCBE 사이트에서 로그인 후 Character and Fitness 작성 로그인 하시고 character and fitness 작성으로 들어가시면 됩니다. 2. Character and Fitness 공증 : 법무법인에 가서 변호사 1번에서 작성한 Character and Fitness를 공증 받아 오는 단계예요3. DC court 사이트에서 시험.......

General partnership에서의 Authority와 Dissociation [내부링크]

2019년도 Feb 에서 출제되었던Agency and Partnership 의 이슈와 룰을 정리해 봤어요회사생활 하다보니 하루에 MEE 하나 이상은풀기 어렵더라구요>_< Formation of General Partnership & LLC 1. General partnership은 carrying on a business for profit을 목적으로 두명 이상의 사람들이 설립- A general partnership is formed whenever two or more persons associate for the purpose of carrying on a business for profit2. LLC는 filing of a signed certificate of organization with the Secretary of State가 있어야 설립됨. - Under RULLCA, an LLC is formed when 1) the certificate of organization is .......

Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Personal Jurisdiction [내부링크]

2019년 BAR 시험 MEE에 출제된 Civil Procedure의 주요 룰을 요약해 봤어요 Subject Matter Jurisdiction 과 Personal Jurisdiction에서개인과 회사의 domicile, Personal Jurisdiction의 long-arm statute가 주요 이슈였어요. 1. Subject Matter Jurisdiction 은 (1) the mount in controversy exceeds $75,000 and is between (2) citizens of different states (Diversity citizenship)을 만족 해야 함. 2. 개인의 citizenship의 경우, 다른 주로 이사할 마음이 있다고 하더라도, 실제로 이사를 하지 않았다면, 이사 가기 전의 주가 domicile 3. Corporation의 citizenship은 (1) the incorporated place and (2) (PPB) principal p.......

Decedents' Estate and Conflict of Laws [내부링크]

2019년 BAR EXAM MEEDecedents Estate / Conflict of laws의 룰을 정리해 봤어요. 공부는 참 끝이 없네요..*Determination of Validity of Testator’s Will*Will은 사망 당시 testator가 거주한 state의 법에 따라 testator의 will의 validity가 결정- At common law, the validity of a testator’s will was determined under the law of the state where the testator was domiciled at the time of his death. - Under Uniform Probate Code (UPC), a will is valid if it complies either with the law of the state in which it was executed or with the law of the place where the testator was domiciled when he signed his .......

[MEE] FEB. 2019 - Burglary, Larceny, Embezzlement and Receving Stolen Property [내부링크]

2019 BAR EXAM MEECriminal law & Procedure 에서 출제된Burglary, Larceny, Embezzlement and Receving Stolen Property네가지를 정리해 보았어요.1. Burglary 는 felony or larceny에 대한 intent를 가지고 다른 사람의 집에 들어가야 성립하지만, 여기서는 felony or larceny 의 intent 가 없었기 때문에 성립하지 않음 - Burglary was defined as 1) breaking and 2) entering 3) of the dwelling house 4) of another 5) in the night 6) with intent to commit felony or larceny. 2. Larceny는 물건을 취득할 당시 intent to permanently deprive the property가 있어야 하는데 주인의 허락을 받고 물건을 취득했기 때문에 larceny가.......

[MEE] JUL 2018. Constitutional: Dual Sovereignty, Congress's Spending power [내부링크]

2018년 7월 BAR EXAM MEEConstitutional 문제의 룰을 요약해 보았어요. 1. System of Dual SovereigntyDual Sovereignty 에 의해 State는 고유한 권한을 가지고 있으며, Congress는 State 에 입법을 강요할 수 없다. - Under the system of Dual Sovereignty established by the Constitution, the State retain a significant measure of sovereign authority- Congress may not require the State to govern according to Congress’ instruction. - Under Anti-commandeering doctrine, the federal government cannot commandeer the state to enact or enforce a law.Federal은 Private와 State를 함께 규제할 수 있지만 State 만을 규.......

[MEE] JUL 2018 – 2. Contract: Option Contract, Firm Offer and Termination of Offer [내부링크]

2018년 7월 DC BAR EXAM MEEContract의 룰을 간략히 정리했어요.요즘 퇴근하고 매일 에세이 하나씩 정리하네요.스스로 뿌듯 스스로 칭찬!!UCC Article 2 governs transaction in goods.1. Irrevocable offer 로는(1) Option ContractCommon law, Option Contract: consideration을 지급해야 가능하며, 일정 기간 동안 offer가 Open되어 있음- An offer supported by consideration such as option contract cannot be revocable in common law.(2) Firm offerUCC Art. 2, Firm Offer: Merchant에 의해 signed assurance를 보내야 일정 기간 동안 offer가 open 되어 있을 수 있음.- Firm offer rule of UCC, if an offeror who is1).......

[MPT] BAR Exam MPT 최근 기출, 양식 및 채점표 [내부링크]

DC BAR EXAM을 준비하면서 저는 가장 난감한 부분이 MPT 더라구요.Memorandum이 나오면 그래도 괜찮은데가끔 보지도 못했던 이상한 양식이 나오면아... 내가 과연 잘 할 수 있을까 싶구요MPT작성 시에는 문제지 1페이지의 Instruction부분을 보면서 어떤걸 써야하는지 명확하게 확인하고 시작하는게 가장 중요하데요그래서 첫 페이지의 마지막 부분뭘 써줘야하는지 안내되어있으니꼭!! 확인하고 써줄것만 쓰고 쓰지말라고 하는걸 확인해 주셔야해요그래서 NCBE사이트에 도움이 될 만한 부분이 있어서 링크 넣어보아요.여기 들어가시면 TEST FROMAT부터 최근 기출 문제 SUMMARY그리고 예전 기출문제들의 POINT SHEET를 다 볼 수 있어.......