The Overstory (서울도서관 eBook)

The Overstory (서울도서관 eBook)

The Overstory A Novel 저자 Richard Powers 번역서 정보 (링크에서 앞부분 미리보기 가능) Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction Winner of the William Dean Howells Medal Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize Over One Year on the New York Times Bestseller List A New York Times Notable Book and a Washington Post, Time, Oprah Magazine, Newsweek, Chicago Tribune, and Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year "The best novel ever written about trees, and really just one of the best novels, period." —Ann Patchett The Overstory, winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, is a sweeping, impassion..........

원문링크 : The Overstory (서울도서관 eBook)