Pachinko (Book 1, ch15) 표현정리

Pachinko (Book 1, ch15) 표현정리

chapter 15 The daily tasks of cooking, laundry, and cleaning for four were considerably less onerous than caring for a boardinghouse. onerous 아주 힘든, 부담되는, 짐스러운 ~ but Kyunghee was undeterred. undeterred (방해 등에도) 단념[좌절]하지 않는 devout 독실한 She was also a thrifty housewife,able to save every extra sen that her husband entrusted to her. thrifty 절약[검약]하는 entrust (일을) 맡기다 sen 일본의 화폐단위 (1/100 yen) ~ combined with her dowry dowry 지참금 combine 결합하다 ~ both families having lost all of their arable land. arable ...

원문링크 : Pachinko (Book 1, ch15) 표현정리