[교범]제트 엔진 항공기로 전환 1 (Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes)

[교범]제트 엔진 항공기로 전환 1 (Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes)

pilot218, 출처 Unsplash 근거 : FAA, AFH, 2021, Chapter 16 1. Introduction This chapter contains an overview of jet-powered airplane operations. The information contained in this chapter provides a useful preparation for, and a supplement to, structured jet airplane qualification training. This chapter provides information on major differences a pilot may encounter when transitioning to jet-powered airplanes. The major differences between jet-powered airplanes and piston-powered airplanes have been ...

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원문링크 : [교범]제트 엔진 항공기로 전환 1 (Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes)