[하이빅쌤] 영어 연음 훈련 #12 - #14 : Would, Is this (s + th), And

[하이빅쌤] 영어 연음 훈련 #12 - #14 : Would, Is this (s + th), And

#12_문장으로 영어발음 교정훈련 ⑧ : Would https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjMlccLQhuc&list=PLoSogcLXDBjX9dvjZrZDWWjoK-defHm9x&index=12 - Would I'd like some, please. We would always argue We could never agree [크ㄷ] I thought I would [thoudai] I thought he would [thoude] I thought it would [thoudit] I thought it would rain [떠어릿/(우)읃] I thought you might want this back #13_문장으로 영어발음 교정훈련 ⑨ : Is this (s + th) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5jedIPDsrM&list=PLoSogcLXDBjX9dvjZrZDWWjoK-defHm9x&index=13 - [s + th] ...

#and #영어회화 #영어표현 #영어연음 #영어발음 #영어 #연음 #발음 #would #is #회화

원문링크 : [하이빅쌤] 영어 연음 훈련 #12 - #14 : Would, Is this (s + th), And