[비행기동] Aviation mnemonics

[비행기동] Aviation mnemonics

MNEMONIC REMINDERS 출처 : https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2000/february/flight-training-magazine/mnemonic-reminders Mnemonic Reminders Mnemonic Reminders February 5, 2000 By Robert N. Rossier Double-Checking The Checklist The checklist is probably the most important document in any aircraft. If we forget to use it on a routine flight, we could land with the gear up-or worse. Forget a checklist on a checkride, and you'll probably ge... www.aopa.org Double-Checking The Checklist The che...

#CPL #운항승무원 #운항학과 #자가용조종사 #조종사 #조종훈련 #체크리스트 #크로스컨트리 #크컨 #파일럿 #야외비행 #사업용조종사 #비행훈련원 #crosscountry #IR #PPL #계기 #계기비행 #계기접근 #계기한정 #복행 #비행훈련 #항공운항학과

원문링크 : [비행기동] Aviation mnemonics