고도의 종류(지시/진/절대/기압/밀도고도, MSL/AGL/PA/DA), 고도계수정치(QFE/QNH/QNE)

고도의 종류(지시/진/절대/기압/밀도고도, MSL/AGL/PA/DA), 고도계수정치(QFE/QNH/QNE)

1. 고도의 종류 근거 : FAA PHAK 8-6 Types of Altitude Altitude in itself is a relevant term only when it is specifically stated to which type of altitude a pilot is referring. Normally when the term “altitude” is used, it is referring to altitude above sea level since this is the altitude which is used to depict obstacles and airspace, as well as to separate air traffic. Altitude is vertical distance above some point or level used as a reference. There are as many kinds of altitude as there are reference levels from which altitude is measured, and each may be used for specific reasons. Pilots..........

원문링크 : 고도의 종류(지시/진/절대/기압/밀도고도, MSL/AGL/PA/DA), 고도계수정치(QFE/QNH/QNE)